
Steps leading up through a rocky landscape

One FIEC church’s steps to CIO charity status

Edward Connor Solicitors’ Christian lawyers supported the church leaders of Alverstoke Evangelical Church with expert Christian legal advice in their journey to becoming a CIO charity. Learn why this FIEC church and its church trustees chose ECS for legal guidance.

Cromer Pier, Norfolk, at sunset

A beacon of hope: the journey of Grace Church North Norfolk

In the holiday hub of north Norfolk, a church teetering on the edge of closure now stands as a beacon of hope for the gospel in this tourist hotspot. This is the inspiring story of Grace Church North Norfolk. The journey from Cromer Historically worshipping as Cromer Baptist Church, nestled in the town famous for … Read more …

Overhead shot of beach and waves

Stepping out in faith

The beautiful town of Newquay is famed for its fine surfing conditions, where the wild Atlantic hits the Cornish coast. Having stepped out into uncharted waters, the newly formed Newquay Evangelical Church have been through their own choppy waves, needing throughout it a firm faith in God’s providence, and support from people with the right … Read more …

Boy on climbing wall

Christian Outdoor Pursuits Trust

A much appreciated gospel partnership   We are immensely thankful to Roger Dix – former trustee of the Christian Outdoor Pursuits Trust (COPT) – and the charity itself for writing and sharing their experience of working with Edward Connor Solicitors (ECS): A potted history Although the Trust was formed in 1981, it was set up … Read more …

rope in shape of heart

The Heart of the Community

Seeing the love of Jesus Christ course through our communities is a vision all Christians share. East Midlands Christian Fellowships (or Reach as it is now known) has just such a vision, and is working through its churches to see the growth of transformative, Jesus-centred communities across the East Midlands and beyond. With a heart … Read more …

property for gospel

Providing Property for the Gospel

Think for a moment how much gospel activity happens through the ownership and use of property. Manses, church buildings, offices, halls, cafes, and many more such venues house all sorts of vital ministries that are seeking to grow God’s Kingdom. Providing that property for churches and Christian organisations is therefore a vital mission of itself! … Read more …

Release International Paul Robinson CEO talking to Lebanese woman

Staying True to Calling

Inspired by the testimony and ministry of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand – author of Tortured for Christ – Release International has a vital mission. Working through indigenous church partners in more than 25 countries, they are helping persecuted Christians across the globe through prayer, pastoral help, and practical provision. It’s a hugely important calling, and help … Read more …

child reading bible

A Secure Future

Seeking to provide a secure future for our loved ones is something that we can all relate to.  For many children growing up in less developed countries though, there is no such provision. These children sadly have futures that are far from secure. Fountain of Peace Children’s Foundation UK was set up to provide hope … Read more …

church chapter book

A Church’s Next Chapter

Emmanuel Evangelical Church in Newport, Wales has quite a remarkable history – the original fellowship was formed off the back of an open-air sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, was part of the spiritual revival years at the beginning of the twentieth century, and welcomed Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones to speak at the opening of their current … Read more …

Staffing the Mission

How do you encourage Christians to be active in mission and evangelism when their nearest neighbour is more than a mile away? Christian charity Village Hope is working in rural parts of Great Britain, trying to help churches to answer that question. They are an evangelistic mission organisation seeking to support evangelists, church planters or … Read more …