We understand that Christian organisations want to be biblically faithful as well as legally compliant. That’s why we think it matters that your legal advisers share your gospel priorities.

Edward Connor Solicitors is uniquely a Christian charity as well as a law firm. We share your aim of advancing Christ’s kingdom and we want to use our legal expertise to help your ministry to flourish.



Please note that Edward Connor Solicitors can only act for Christian churches and organisations, and cannot act for individuals.

We are gospel driven

Our aim is to advance the gospel by enabling Christian ministries to be properly established and good stewards of their resources. We will help you to be faithful to Christ by seeing your legal obligations from a biblical perspective, in everything from your governance structure to your employment policies.

We are specialist

Working with churches and Christian organisations is all that we do. This means we have a wealth of experience in precisely the kind of issues that you are likely to face – and which many other solicitors will not often come across. We are aware of the pitfalls and issues you will need to address to achieve the outcome you are looking for.

We are professional

We are fully regulated as a law firm, and our team of lawyers and consultants have had successful careers in a variety of secular firms and organisations before choosing to serve Christ at Edward Connor Solicitors. You will have the benefit of experts in their field who are committed to serving Jesus, through providing the thorough, robust advice you need.


Our Core Values

our core values
We are centred around Jesus Christ in who we are and all that we do – hence our motto of ‘Christ-centred legal expertise’. Around this centring on Christ we have 6 core values that define our purpose and mission. These values are key for reminding us and our clients of what we stand for…

Highest quality, best value service

High quality often means high prices, while economy often means sacrificing quality. Not with us – we seek to offer the highest quality legal advice and service that are specialist, tailored to our clients, and yet still cost-effective. What value is service that is out of reach?


Dedicated to the local church

Recognising the central place the local church has in God’s plan, our dedication to serving the local church is at the forefront of what we do. Our objective to further the ministry of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) plays an integral part of this commitment.


Christlike care of people

We endeavour to love people the way Jesus loves, bringing glory to him by the way we put our clients’ needs ahead of our own, and by our commitment to properly care for our staff.



Spirit-led decision making

We want always to lean on God’s strength and seek his wisdom, not rely on our own. We want our decisions to be prayerful and in line with God’s will. We won’t just ‘play it safe’ – we’re prepared to take risks as we walk by faith and not simply by sight.


Gospel-driven ambition

We are driven by a desire to see the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ, not by profits. This means we seek the growth of God’s Kingdom, not ours, and consider ourselves as gospel partners rather than rivals to those working towards the same purposes.



God’s Word is in our DNA, shaping everything we do as a Christian law firm. From the very content of our work to the way we deliver our service, God’s Word is the basis from which everything we do takes its shape.



 Find out more about how we can partner with your gospel ministry: