Edward Connor Solicitors was set up in March 2018, with the vision to provide specialist legal advice to churches and Christian organisations as they navigate the demands of our regulated society. Our roots go a lot further back.

In 1922 Edward Joshua Poole-Connor, a preacher and church leader, saw the need to support churches which did not belong to any denomination. He formed an ‘association of mutual helpfulness’ for ‘undenominational and unattached churches and missions’. The aim of this association was to see independent churches receive the same help and support as those from established denominations. He recognised that access to information on legal and other matters affecting Christian work was an important part of what was this association needed to provide.

Today, that ‘association of mutual helpfulness’ still exists as the Fellowship of Independent Churches (FIEC). The FIEC has always sought to meet the need of providing legal support for independent churches. Edward Connor Solicitors was set up to meet that need more fully, not only for FIEC churches, but to any evangelical church or  Christian organisations needing legal support.

We share Edward Poole-Connor’s desire to support those churches and Christian organisations who need biblically based legal expertise. We are here to help you to be compliant with the law, so that you can carry out your ministry more effectively.

Find out more about the services we offer for churches and for organisations.