Getting the right documents in place is crucial: genuine volunteers don’t work under a contract and genuine office holders don’t work under a contract, but employees have to be given a written statement of terms and conditions within two months of starting. That said, even with the best documents in place, you can expect to be judged against what happens in practice rather than what you say happens. So getting it right doesn’t just stop when the lawyer hands over a document.

  • We can help you to think through what you may need. We provide a bespoke service, ensuring that you receive the documents that best serve your needs, but we can also save time and cost by providing “off the peg” standard packs for almost every situation (including when engaging employees, volunteers or office holders).
  • We can provide the policies and guidance you need, and help you put to practice what you preach, from statements on Equal Opportunities to Modern Slavery, and from Whistleblowing to Sickness. If it relates to the workplace, we can provide it and you will always have the peace of mind of know it was expertly drafted by Christians for Christians.
  • We can help you avoid future problems. Taking advice from those who are more focused on profit and do not share your vision or mission may cause more harm than good. We regularly see Christian organisations unwittingly committing to standards they cannot honour, and not having in place steps that we know could strengthen their mission purposes and protect them from future legal disputes.

Edward Connor Solicitors is a solicitors practice established as a Christian charity. Through our Christ-centred legal expertise, we want to partner in your mission, providing documents truly fit for your mission purpose, and steer you through the legal complexities of your obligations.

Please give us a call if you want to talk through your requirements and find out how we might be able to help you.

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