Man signing a contract when buying a new house

Disposing of charity land – changes to requirements

Charities must comply with certain legal requirements before they ‘dispose’ of land they own (whether that be selling, transferring, or leasing land). It is therefore important that churches and other Christian charities know their obligations. The Charities Act 2022 As we have reported on in an earlier article, the Charities Act 2022 introduces a raft … Read more …

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Stepping out in faith

The beautiful town of Newquay is famed for its fine surfing conditions, where the wild Atlantic hits the Cornish coast. Having stepped out into uncharted waters, the newly formed Newquay Evangelical Church have been through their own choppy waves, needing throughout it a firm faith in God’s providence, and support from people with the right … Read more …

rope in shape of heart

The Heart of the Community

Seeing the love of Jesus Christ course through our communities is a vision all Christians share. East Midlands Christian Fellowships (or Reach as it is now known) has just such a vision, and is working through its churches to see the growth of transformative, Jesus-centred communities across the East Midlands and beyond. With a heart … Read more …

property for gospel

Providing Property for the Gospel

Think for a moment how much gospel activity happens through the ownership and use of property. Manses, church buildings, offices, halls, cafes, and many more such venues house all sorts of vital ministries that are seeking to grow God’s Kingdom. Providing that property for churches and Christian organisations is therefore a vital mission of itself! … Read more …

Your church premises and the Equality Act

Your church building is a great asset and a valuable resource. It enables your church family to meet on Sundays and other groups to meet in the week. It may be a means of reaching out to your community and caring for those in need. Sometimes, a church building can be used to generate income … Read more …

Residential Conveyancing and Serving Jesus

NB: We are in the process of reviewing the contents of this article in the light of the changes recently introduced to the Charities Act. As Christians we are called to serve God in all we do. Part of this is stewarding our resources well. What do you need to think about when your church … Read more …

Selling Charity Property

NB: We are in the process of reviewing the contents of this article in the light of the changes recently introduced to the Charities Act. Please note in this article we assume that all churches or organisations are charities and therefore need to comply with charity law.   There are many different reasons why you … Read more …

Building Projects

NB: We are in the process of reviewing the contents of this article in the light of the changes recently introduced to the Charities Act. Please note in this article we assume that all churches or organisations are charities and therefore need to comply with charity law.   A building project can be an exciting … Read more …

Use of Charity Property by a Third Party

NB: We are in the process of reviewing the contents of this article in the light of the changes recently introduced to the Charities Act.   A charity’s property is a great resource and a gift from God. You may be approached by someone from your community who would like to hire your property for … Read more …

row of houses

New requirements for ASTs

If your church or Christian organisation is the landlord of residential property leased using an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (‘AST’) then there have been some amendments to the law that you need to know about. From October 1st 2018, all ASTs in England are subject to the Deregulation Act 2015 (DA 2015) even if they were … Read more …